You know, I can't imagine 9 to 5 writing. That takes some stamina.
You are the sum total of the choices you make every day.
When I'm sitting writing, I know that something works if I've made myself cry, or laugh, or have a visceral emotion.
When I was a kid and going to the movies I was overwhelmed by the way women were always second-class citizens in the film.
We're always just telling stories, and stories are always just approximations of the truth. It's never the truth exactly.
The only thing that's important is that every day I'm waking and doing something that I really love to do.
The litmus test for whether I want to take on a role or not is usually fear. If I'm afraid of it, then I want to do it.
So writing became a way to get to act in things that I thought were meaningful, and hopefully write stronger roles for other women.
So at some point you realize that your life is not just going to start one day in the future, that you're living it.
Science fiction has a way of letting you talk about where we are in the world and letting you be a bit of a pop philosopher without being didactic.
One of my favorite stories growing up was 'A Wrinkle in Time'. I loved that book.
Nothing seemed as scary as waking up at 40 and realizing that I had not lived a very courageous life.
Living in Cuba made me unafraid of whatever could happen to me.
Life is beautiful because it doesn't last.
Is there anything worse than being called the 'It Girl?' By definition, there will be a new one in two weeks.
I think we're always looking for an excuse to connect.
I think sometimes big budget means explosions! CGI! CGI, the possibilities are so limitless that it begins to be impractical.
I'd studied theater growing up and loved that, but didn't have many examples of artists around me.
If you play it safe every time, then you're missing the best part of acting. You haven't learned anything about your humanity.
A couple of compromises in a row and suddenly you're very far way from the person you thought you were.
I always feel like the editing room is like coming into the kitchen. What kind of a meal do you make from there? It can be anything.