There is no enemy like a yajna (sacrifice) which consumes the kingdom when not attended by feeding on a large scale; consumes the priest when the chanting is not done properly; and consumes the yajaman (the responsible person) when the gifts are not made.
O wise man! Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to others. The water of the sea received by the clouds is always sweet. The rainwater enlivens all living beings of the earth both movable (insects, animals, humans, etc.) and immovable (plants, trees, etc.), and then returns to the ocean where its value is multiplied a million fold.
Discontented brahmanas, contented kings, shy prostitutes, and immodest housewives are ruined.
Chanting of the vedas without making ritualistic sacrifices to the supreme lord through the medium of agni, and sacrifices not followed by bountiful gifts are futile. Perfection can be achieved only through devotion (to the supreme lord) for devotion is the basis of all success.