I haven't always been the kind of man who plays videogames. I used to be the kind of boy who played videogames.
We're inseparable, games and I. If you cut me, I'd bleed pixels. Or blood. Probably blood, come to think of it.
'The Twilight Zone' was sometimes shockingly cruel, far crueller than most TV drama today would dare to be.
I've scaled back my involvement with Twitter; it's too easy to get dragged into an argument.
I used to draw comics a lot. I was obsessed with 'The Young Ones,' and was massively into video games, although I was no good at them.
'MasterChef' delivers all the reassuring, cadenced repetition of an endless chore without any of the bothersome elbow grease.
My bookshelves chiefly function as a snapshot of what I was reading prior to the invention of the Kindle.
Our metropolises are blighted by two problems a lack of public transport and a lack of public loos.
The fashion industry is the worst possible vessel for conveying an ethical message about anything.
Getting a moral lecture from the fashion industry is like Jeffrey Dahmer criticising your diet.
People bemoan the loss of watercooler chat, but I think that there's more of that than ever. It's just that it's online.
I never really thought of myself as a TV critic. I was presenting TV before I was writing about it.
I do worry about civil unrest, or complete collapse of society, or having to flee, or Europe falling into a war.
I've never lost that freelance mentality. You can't take a holiday because you're worried the work will dry up.
There's so much stuff flying around online, and it's so easy to get into arguments with people.
I'm scared about everything. I'm an anxious worrier. I worry about the downside of everything.
When you meet people you've interacted with on social media, they are not like they are on social media.