A great meal can be deftly managed or thuggishly muscled, either way resulting in an original offering of scrumptiousness.
Good is good and enough is enough, but good enough is not….
The manner of your delivery always matters when you are charged with delivering the deliverables.
In order to come out ahead, you have to constantly find good news because bad news is constantly trying to find you. .
As an answer on any test, the best of you will always be better than the least of you.
Fludity and capacity are business skills - rigidity and limitation are not!
It's fairly simple, but not easy - #1 get out of your own way #2 get in the way of something great!
Leaders and managers please bake your content cake with context chocolate – it looks better & goes down easier.
Look closely at wisdom – there is a very small space between "wiz" and "dumb" -.
Most readily measure the inches and feet of life's ups and downs, but it is only the foot forward that really counts.
Skill pill - any practice or substance that shortens the time required to master a skill or subject.
We evaluate ourselves based upon what we like to think… others evaluate us based upon coming over/around or through….
Management is how well it runs when you are there: leadership is how well it runs when you are not.
A clear path to anything is more helpful than one that is not!
It isn't who you are - it's what can we be... #leadership.
Fate and time may conspire to fade your youthful shimmer but you must constantly perspire in order to insure your shine.
A mentor's value is not always born by being right but by making you think twice or maybe thrice.
A life lived only for oneself - is a less lived life.