I'm definitely up for having a baby.
I'm totally fine with being 'sexual.
It's absolutely disgusting how these reality stars think they can get fat and then thin quickly for money.
Honestly, when I see those fad diets it makes me furious.
I had bad skin growing up and I swear by oral supplements.
I've used Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara since I was younger and swear by it.
I'm interested in nutrition and fascinated by the changes you can make to your body through diet and exercise.
Obviously, I don't mind if James looks at women. He's a man, women are hot.
I think prepare, if you're going to voice your opinion be aware that some people will be supportive and some people won't.
I don't get jealous about 'normal' stuff.
I know all about nutrition and how you can change your body if you want to.
I'd always been quite anxious and never felt very confident so I've always over-compensated.
I've always been quite insecure. I had followed Mum and Dad into TV and yet in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't for me.
I love feeling strong and capable.
We've gone from one end of the spectrum, where we didn't want children, to the other end where we thought, 'yes, let's try it.'
If you are healthy as a yogi all day every day, then a cheeseburger with your kids is not going to undo anything.
Toning' exercises are not a thing. Fat-burning exercises and muscle building exercises are.
I'm an absolute daddy's girl.
My dad is the softer one and my mum is the disciplinarian, the one who calls the shots.
James is made to be a father. He'll be a brilliant dad.
I've lost so many deals from so many people because I will not stray from my beliefs.