We are disappointed, and we know that many in connecticut share that frustration.
It's a difficult situation that's played itself out in bridgeport, and an unfortunate one.
Being bombastic for the sake of being bombastic has just never been my take on the world.
I'm not sure that some governors just don't want to lay off people for the sake of laying off people and being able to say they did.
I was not going to balance the budgets on the backs of communities.
I have just been the man in the middle, trying to make sure that we steer the right course.
What I'm hoping to do is see Democrats get elected. That's what I'm trying to contribute to.
You know and I know and economists know that trickle-down economics doesn't work.
You can't separate me from my upbringing as a child overcoming learning disabilities and having to make my way through that.
I have to tell you, I'll be right up front about it I'm the governor of the state of Connecticut, and I can't write anything well.
I can't write things. I'm embarrassed all the time about that, particularly if people don't know that about me.
If you're nice, if you like yourself, if you treat other people well, you're going to be successful. I guarantee it.
Religious freedom is already protected in the United States. It's in our Constitution. It's in most state constitutions.
I don't think that we'll support any state that is prepared to discriminate against the citizens of Connecticut.
If we stand idly by while states legalize bigotry, we are responsible for allowing it to happen.
We have to expose Republicans for the frauds that they are when it comes to what they want to do for working men and women.
I was diagnosed as mentally retarded as late as the fourth grade.