If you don't have reservations, you're a fool. You can't go blind into something.
I was in a bank meeting in London once that was so torturous, I had a flash of inspiration for another client.
Generosity is as much showing your vulnerability as it is your passion for something.
Each consumer has the power of their wallet and their voice. They can exercise that.
Online is amazing, but it, in itself, is not a solution.
Creativity is a game changer. That's true of society, in advertising and in life.
We work in an industry where people invent technology to avoid what we create.
I think the best way to show appreciation for things going well is to make things better.
Like anyone, I'm scared of failure. That drives you to work really hard.
I've worked around the world.
Our work can always get better, and we are constantly striving for that.
We strive to do stuff that connects with people.
I'm in the industry, and I'll fast-forward through the ads most of the time. But I'll stop for the good ones.
I secretly wish I had experienced advertising in the 'Mad Men' period.
One day, when I have advertising out of my system, I want to be Prime Minister of Australia.
My mother had to label all our clothing. As the youngest boy, all my tags read Droga5.
If people know they're being sold to, you can celebrate the sell.
We're very much an advertising agency, but it's not about creating ads as we know it.
Copywriters on Madison Avenue constantly grapple with the question of where their work sits on the totem pole of 'real' writing.
People who want to express themselves effectively can learn a lot from the hard-won concision of the copywriter.
Before the term 'viral video' came out, we used the mass media to our advantage.
Just knowing you're putting something out there that could take on a greater life - that's our sweet spot. That's what we try to do.
Do the work you believe in - if there's an authentic reason for doing it.
If you can allow yourself to do more good with your creativity by being successful, then that's a great thing.
Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you need to - restraint is something I admire.
I am the most competitive person you will ever meet.
I don't want to sound too worthy here, but I want to do something that honestly contributes something positive to society.