Good grooming is integral and impeccable style is a must. If you don't look the part, no one will want to give you time or money.
A savvy entrepreneur will not always look for investment money, first.
As an entrepreneur, you never stop learning.
I'm a firm believer in utilizing celebrities because they tap into people on an emotional basis.
I look to work with businesses that know what they are doing but need larger distribution or exposure.
I 'm so stoked.
If I invest in a CEO, I need him or her to have experience in sales.
Most brands started from a strong base and kept a strong belief.
I'm a big advocate of financial intelligence.
I believe the last thing I read at night will likely manifest when I'm sleeping. You become what you think about the most.
I started FUBU in 1989 but ran out of money three times and closed it down.
Once people are part of your brand tribe, show them you're thankful for their purchase, then show them you mean it.
I value an entrepreneur I can get behind and trust, because I know they are attempting to move forward in life.
Poor people put a low value on themselves and their efforts.
In my mind, there are too many copycat web products out there that are doing the same thing.
You don't have to work for a big corporation if you don't want to.
They've thought it through, they know what they're doing.
Pay attention to what they say because it's critical to your product's success.