I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I grew up in Houston. Gordo Cooper was my favorite astronaut.
I always want to find the best burger in town.
I was a late bloomer. I tried out for the football team, and I got locked off the field. That's how I wound up in drama.
Going to the golf course every day for work? That's a good job.
Movies usually find me, but I'm open to anything.
I love to work. I actually enjoy it now more than I did when I was in my 20s. I don't know why, but I'm just grateful.
Family is the most important thing in life, period.
Your partner has to live with the best and the worst part of you, and they're affected by it.
You don't bad-mouth your ex or anything like that. The key is your kid knowing that both parents still love him and are there for him.
It's great to get paid for what you love doing most. To enjoy your work. And to follow that. It's important.
I'm not really a pitcher; I just play one in the movies.
I was a really avid bowler when I was a teenager. I had about a 210-220 average. I had blisters on my fingers.
My real-life athletic career was not very much. I played Little League baseball.
There are three things being a celebrity is good for raising money for charity, dinner reservations and tee times.
I directed a movie back in the '90s which had calf roping in it, and I got into it quite a bit back then.
Jesus himself talked about prayer and meditation. Anything that brings you closer to the Lord, what's wrong with that?
I've always considered myself a character actor. That's the way I was trained, really.
I'm an idol of cinema? Oh, wow.
I look for a good story. Usually the best stories are the ones that are unbelievably true. 'Soul Surfer' is one of those stories.
I was made to be a perfectionist at everything I did. Everything was more important than what I wanted.
I can't hit a ball more than 200 yards. I have no butt. You need a butt if you're going to hit a golf ball.
Playing Bill Clinton is really, probably, the scariest time of my career.
Wall Street has come to America's heartland, really. The only thing missing are the skyscrapers, you know?
I used to eat a lot of fish, but I've been shying away from it because of the mercury thing. I eat more beef and chicken now.
I love being a dad, and I'm good at it. Kids teach you about life, like how not to focus on yourself so much.
When I choose a movie, I'll ask myself 'Is this a movie I want to see?'
What, like I want to look like Dick Clark? No. I think I look great with liver spots.
Everybody just wants to be famous first, and then maybe learn how to act.