The typical user of a food bank is not someone that's languishing in poverty it's someone who has a cash flow problem.
I cannot support an indefinite backstop arrangement where the E.U. Holds a veto over our ability to exit.
One reason women are left 'holding the baby' is anti-male discrimination in rights of maternity/paternity leave.
From the cradle to the grave, men are getting a raw deal. Men work longer hours, die earlier, but retire later than women.
Whether we are in or out of the E.U., we must deliver reform at home in order to compete abroad in the 21st century.
Prisoners have benefited disproportionately from 'rights inflation' - the expansion of human rights into unforeseen nooks and crannies.
Prisoners have benefited disproportionately from 'rights inflation' - the expansion of human rights into unforeseen nooks and crannies.