But I don't see myself as a woman in science. I see myself as a scientist.
I have great faith in lasers, but no one's putting one near my eye.
Sometimes you just have to be happy you get one chance in life and not worry too much about whether you get two.
When I was a first-year in grad school, there were 18 of us in the Ph.D. Program, and four of us were women.
I hadn't looked at all the Nobel Prizes and thought, my goodness, there's no women. So it was a little bit surprising to me.
I've always been treated as an equal.
The most fun part of my day is when I get to play with my lasers.
I still try to make different types of lasers that other people don't have.
I've now been encouraged by many people to apply and so I did apply and I have now been made, full professor. I'm happy about that.
We must give scientists the opportunity through funding and time to pursue curiosity-based, long-term, basic-science research.
My PhD was not fast out of the gate.
There's no point in me being something other than me.
I got paid the same as my male counterpart grad students and onward.
My parents were definitely the biggest influence in my life.