When one friend washes another, both become clean.
He who has a choice has trouble.
A cat that meweth much catcheth but few mice.
A daily guest is a great thief in the kitchen.
A dog with a bone knows no friends.
A fool may give a wise man counsel.
A friend at one's back is a safe bridge.
A good friend is better than silver and gold.
A good name is better than oil (i.e. Riches).
A great book is a great evil.
A guest, like a fish, stinks the third day.
A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.
A handful of trade, a handful of gold.
A hundred men can make an encampment, but it requires a woman to make a home.
A liar must have a good memory.
He must indeed be a good master who never does wrong.
Fools ask what's o'clock, but wise men know their time.
The end of mirth is the beginning of sorrow.
A fool may chance to say a wise thing.
It is hard to blow with a full mouth.
Grass is greener in other pastures.
Ride on, but look before you.
Better keep peace than make peace.
High trees give more shadow than fruit.
After high floods come low ebbs.
Everything has an end except god.
Don't cry holloa! Till you're out of the bush.
Sow not money on the sea, lest it sink.
He lords it (or swaggers) like an eel in a tub.
One's own hearth is worth gold.