'Be Cool' was a defining movie for me.
Ain't nothing like a good cry.
Around every corner, always protect the engine that powers you.
As a father, safety is always a top of mind issue for me.
As an athlete, you'd better laugh at yourself when you slip in the mud.
As we all know, sequels can be tricky.
Barack Obama did tell me that I was one of Michelle Obama's favorite actors.
Because of my wrestling background, nothing a director can throw at me on a set can faze me.
But being on location and shooting, whether its in Puerto Rico or Atlanta, it always reminds me of how really cool my job can be. Interacting with the fans is one of the best parts of it.
By the time I was 23 years old, I had multiple arrests.
Check your ego at the door. The ego can be the great success inhibitor. It can kill opportunities, and it can kill success.
Come on, you can't name a truck after a chick.
Football changed my life and it gave me a platform to get out my aggression and it gave me a sense of value.
For 'Hercules,' I went for the demigod look big and mean. When you're playing a character like the son of Zeus, you only get one shot.
I am not The Rock. I am Dwayne Johnson.
I've been known to have a good step or two. I'm half Samoan, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing daily.
I like the idea of making a big, fun, adventure type of movie.
I want someone who can trust that my big hands are going to take care of them.
I'm a passionate, hardcore fisherman. Biggest fish I caught? A 200-pound tarpon.
The only film I've enjoyed starring a wrestler was Mickey Rourke in 'The Wrestler.'
I've always loved the showmanship of professional wrestling. While I love making movies, I love that platform, too.
I was a bit challenged when I was younger to stay on the right path.
You don't sign up for a divorce when you get married. It's very painful. But it's taught me a great deal about myself.
When a family film is done well, there's a character that every member of the audience can relate to. I want to be one of those guys.
If you tell me there's something I can't do, I'll want to do it even more. Especially when it comes to entertaining.
I knew early on that I wanted to entertain in some form. And I knew I would work as hard as anyone to do it.
I learned a long time ago how to be coachable.
There are definitely people who disagree with certain creative decisions you make. Pleasing everyone is pretty hard.