Children are the most honest critics. They will say 'You're funny', but also 'You're pathetic - go away.'
Do your own thing. Speak in your voice.
Have I had therapy? I went to a yoga class once.
I do not walk around imaging myself to be intimidating or smart.
I don't go to different countries to criticise their political system and tell them what they should be doing - what do I know?
I don't really think of myself as an actor.
I don't want to do the same thing over and over again.
I have a very low level of recognition, which is fine by me.
I quite fancy the 1940s. I like the trams and the trousers.
I think a lot of the time you just parody yourself.
I think that women just have a primeval instinct to make soup, which they will try to foist on anybody who looks like a likely candidate.
I thought The Office was good, though I didn't think of it as a sitcom, just as a very good programme.
I was lucky in the sense that I was never blessed with an overly reflective nature.
I'd be hard-pressed to think of anybody who's made me laugh, who's funny, but who's also relentlessly positive.
I'm actually about as famous as a fourth division footballer from the 70s.
I'm Irish, yeah, but I don't need to get up on a soapbox about it.
I'm just trying to understand what's around me as much as anyone else is, really. To draw a bead on a moving target.
I'm organised in some ways, but not in others.
If I hadn't done this I might have ended up digging the roads.
If you're a comic, you don't have a rehearsal room, you rehearse on stage. My main concern is remembering everything.
In the same way, there is some creature gnawing away inside of me, urging me to do things in different ways.
It's true that I have spoken about doing a book before, but then everyone you speak to is planning to write a book.
Lots of comics try stuff out all year round, which is very sensible - I don't.
Maybe this is just me, but as time goes by, I'm more bewildered by modernity. It gets more unfathomable with every passing year.
One thing that's coming up a lot is are you as grumpy as you appear from this Black Books thing.
Paper acts as an eraser on the mind, as soon as you look at what you've written.
People will kill you over time, and how they'll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases, like 'be realistic.'
Showing off seemed to me to be a highly valuable and necessary activity when I was 20.
The characters can't be wittier than people are in real life. They have to be character witty.
The East is very mysterious to Westerners. Even post-Cold War, it's still an unknown entity.