You can put me in a cage, on a ladder, in any kind of match, and I will persevere. I will find a way.
You always wonder what's going to happen in a Brock Lesnar match, but if you see Brock every week, it's not as special.
Wrestling is just a different beast. There is no off-season in WWE. It's week in and week out.
With WWE, it's a massive machine, and you will air in 120 countries and have action figures and towels.
When I was on 'Haven,' my nickname was 'Sasquatch.'
When I was a kid, I said this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a wrestler.
Whatever Paul Giamatti plays, Paul Heyman could also read for it.
There were a lot of surreal, amazing moments during my career that I'm very lucky to have had.
The way I look at it is I had to retire as world champion with my last match at WrestleMania.
The Rated-R Superstar was usually a vile and horrible human being who had some moments of being a good guy.
Sometimes, taking a break and going somewhere else and, almost, for both parties, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
People don't look at the broader picture a lot of the time.
Part of me has always been a private person.
One thing about wrestling, it keeps you humble.
One of the things that I wanted to do post-'Haven' is go after some shows I was a fan of already, and 'Vikings' was on the list.
Imagine you put Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns/John Cena on WrestleMania. Sold.
For me, Edge was just a character.
I've always just introduced myself as Adam Copeland. I never really thought too much about it.
I think if I would have wrestled another five or seven years, I would have regrets.
I really enjoyed working with Rey Mysterio when we were up against Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit and The Guerreros.
I think the best promo guys make it sound like it's not a promo.
One of the amazing things about acting now is that you can try different things and have choices.
I can't physically put someone over, but I can feel very confident in my ability to tell a story through a promo.
I've always said this Edge is purely a character.
I always hated that 'You Think You Know Me' music because it never fit me and what I actually listen to.
I never had concussion issues. What I have is cervical spinal stenosis.
I think The Singh Brothers - I know them as Harv and Gurv - they're doing great.
I own three homes. I drive a Jeep. I'm cool with that.