We've certainly always been a feminist party, with strong feminist principles.
We were the first party to call for equal marriage.
We oppose any pipeline whose sole purpose is to export bitumen from Canada to make profits in other countries.
We cannot ever accept a government that thinks they can get away with tiny targets on climate which they then don't achieve.
There's a lot I'd like to be able to talk about with relation to Stephen Harper, particularly why is he afraid to debate in English?
The real dynamic is that when Greens are in the debates, Conservatives don't do as well.
The only party that has better bragging rights than the Greens is the Bloc Quebecois.
The oilsands will be phased out by 2030 or 2035.
The movement across Canada to fight toxic chemicals is a women's movement. It's a concern about health; it's very intimate.
The Lester B. Pearson era is what I hope to replicate.
The greatest level of hostility and venom, really, is between parties closest to each other on the political spectrum.
Politics is awful.
Politicians in Canada should not put their religion on their sleeve.
ncrementalism is out, and doing deals with people just for power, when our children's futures at stake is not something I will ever do.
My funny speech wasn't funny. That's not the first time a politician has done that.
And of course the Green Party wants to remove carcinogens from our food, our cosmetics, our backyard pesticides.
I try to be friends with everyone.
I've been a feminist all my life, or at least as long as I've been conscious of being a woman.
I can work with anyone.
I never heckle. I never swear.
Anyone can have a bad night and anyone can have a bad attempt at comedy.
It doesn't make sense to have a bitumen export economy.
For as long as we're using fossil fuels at all, globally, Canadians should be using Canadian sources.
First and foremost we are Earthlings.
I'm a sort of in the moment, good on my feet kind of person.
I believed Justin Trudeau in 2015. I thought he would be a climate leader. I was wrong.
I wouldn't want anyone to think I was less than respectful for the people with whom I work.