When I was in nightclubs, I thought they were a really important way for young people who come to New York to meet people and connect.
The tiger people, the reptile people, they all have sort of unique subcultures. Kind of like 'Best in Show.'
The reality of our world today is not every species can be left in the wild.
Sometimes our criminal justice system is about punishing people and not reforming people.
Look, when we were building Area, we were so driven and focused, partly because none of us came from money.
If you keep more 230 tigers, it's like having 230 children, you don't really love them, you're just collecting them.
If hotels are replacing nightclubs, then they're replacing nightclubs for yuppies.
I'm not one who thinks that people should be locked up and thrown away the key.
I was definitely an 80s fashion victim who drank the Kool-Aid.
I spent my summers in Sonoma at my grandfather's ranch, we called it Rancho Rodeo.
I set out to expose the issue with big cat ownership in America and where that exploitation lies.
I probably spent about 40 percent of 2019 on a plane and filming.
I did a CNN pilot but they decided I wasn't Anthony Bourdain.
I can only imagine there still have to be nightclubs where 21-year-olds go.
But I was just really blown away that you could just buy a snow leopard. For me, it was like buying a panda bear or a Komodo dragon.