The new boat will find the old stones.
A debt is always new.
Where there is no fear, there is no pity.
Give good and get good.
When death comes, the rich man has no money and the poor man no debt.
If you go only once round the room, you are wiser than he who sits still.
A girl without a needle is like a cat without a claw.
Little kettles soon boil over.
The mistakes of others are good teachers.
Silence is sometimes the answer.
Who does not thank for a little will not thank for a lot.
The law is three days older than the earth.
Do not choose your wife on your way to the church.
A much-used plow shines; stagnant waters stink.
Manure is the farmer's gold.
The work will teach you how to do it.
A good deed is written on snow.
In a garment made of silk there are no fleas.
The cork is always bigger than the mouth of the bottle.
The wood is the poor man's coat.
When god gives a child, he also gives the clothing.
Coal that does not burn gives little heat.
One cannot make soup out of beauty.
The stomach never gets full with licking.