For me, it's all about The Dubliners by James Joyce. I love The Dead.
You know more about me than I do about myself, that's probably true.
Since Elizabeth, I certainly live a healthier lifestyle.
It is hard, though, 'cos record labels love to boss you around. I won't let them do that anymore.
But Sneaky Pete was great. I didn't bug him about Gram. Not too much, anyway.
It's better when you have your wife with you, more fun.
Rock stars wanting to write is even worse than wanting to act in movies, right?
Even the bands I dig don't have a history of attaining mass consumption.
Basically, between 1989 and 1994, I hadn't taken a vacation.
CDs, too. Totally corporate. They look real cheap and soulless and they don't smell of anything.
I've got time, I hope, to make lots of quiet records. So quiet you won't be able to hear them.
Some of our stuff ends up looking too corporate. I'm going to be a lot stricter from now on.
I need the money. People don't understand how little money you make in a band.
I lie around and play guitar, that's something I do for sure. In fact that's all I do, I think.
When I write a song, it's all about the riff - the riff first, then the words come later.
I have to make rock records occasionally.
But ya have to make videos in the States. Usually ours just look too serious. We haven't got it together.