Miracles exist - you just have to believe it.
Kim Kardashian is trash.
I see myself as a very fortunate human being.
That's a great way to work out when on the road, and it's fun. I love to lift women up.
There are few things I've never done in my life.
Donald Trump speaks his mind. If you like it or you don't like it, at least you know where he stands.
To me, the future of TV and movies is going to be 3-D animation.
I speak four languages and read a great deal, so I do as much working out on the brain as I do on the body.
As people, we have to take the law's side. We have to stand behind the police, not behind the criminal.
Ferraris always have problems. You can't drive them every day.
I want to bring more lawv and romance into the society.
When you're happy with yourself, you have to find another person who is happy with herself so you can share your happiness.
There's not enough money in this world to make me do something degrading.
Everybody comes here because of the American Dream.
Money, power, is beautiful if you take just as fun. OK? If you don't get attached.
Woman is very much more in contact with their feeling than a man. As a matter of fact, woman always teach to men how to love.
The United States is the greatest country on Earth.
If you want to come to this country, the American people are the greatest people on earth and will welcome you with open arms.
I always tell people, 'I have more respect for somebody with no money and class than somebody who is trash and makes $1 billion.'
All the Kardashians care about is the media, money, and being on camera.
When you feel good about yourself, it doesn't matter what you're wearing. You are at home.
I've been all over the world.
This world is always fed up with politicians.
People don't trust anyone.
Laws are to be respected.
California's a mess.
When you believe in something, it's easy to promote.
God gave you a mind, a spirit, and a body, and you should take care of all three.
To me, the biggest attraction is a woman's charisma, her soul, her inner strength.
I don't take myself seriously, because there is so much more to life than just being good looking.