Nothing ages you more immediately than being called 'Mrs.'
Just as kids need to learn to respect their elders, we are a society that increasingly respects our youth.
When I was a kid, we called every teacher, every parent - anyone over the age of 20, it seemed - 'Mr. Or Mrs. So-and-so.'
The option to freeze one's eggs is just about the most empowering choice a single woman who knows she wants to be a mother can make.
I've spent my life being responsible, building a career, and waiting to find the right partner with whom to start a family.
I think there's something very disingenuous about literally all people who say that they don't care about anyone's approval.
I'll never get complacent. I am my own toughest critic.
The custom of clasping hands is thought to date back thousands of years, as proof of not holding any weapons.
Did you know you're supposed to soap and scrub for as long as it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice?
As a mother, I don't want any girl twerking near my kid at a bat mitzvah.
I'm not actually perishing, but I do feel like I die a little every time someone uses 'literally' to mean 'really.'
John Travolta is getting old, despite what his hair is trying to tell us.
Was Hugh Hefner a libertine or a dirty old man? Someone who empowered women or commodified them? The answer is yes!
This is America; our icons are complicated.
Wanting to be loved and appreciated connects us all.
Wildfires can leave the land with burn scars that last for years.
One man's content is another woman's crap. And the crappy content - let's call it crontent - will never go away.
I think the curation consternation is this Just because you like something or list something, are you really curating?
The boy taught from infancy to be tough is emotionally doomed.
I have no problem being full-term pregnant and do not understand women who say, 'I can't wait to get this baby out of me!'
Approval makes the world go round, even if many of us want to transcend our hunger for it.
Snowflakery is simply being human, which makes it a pretty flakey insult.
I tell my kids all the time that I'm so lucky they chose me to be their mom.
On a meaningful day, everything you wear can have meaning. It becomes what I wore That Day, whether that day is a beginning or an end.
I admit I feel funny when I use the word 'whom' as I'm talking to my diapered children, but I persist.
We all think Al Gore invented email so we could save time and save paper, to save trees. And that includes phone trees.
If you don't know what mansplaining is, or manterrupting or manspread, then you're probably a guy.