A sow prefers bran to roses.
A colt is good for nothing if it does not break its halter.
A hungry dog will eat dirty pudding.
Old friends and new reckonings.
To rude words deaf ears.
Laws have wax noses.
The pitcher goes often to the well and gets broken at last.
A muffled cat never caught a mouse.
Without business, debauchery.
To the jaundiced all things seem yellow.
Only a fool gets drunk from his own bottle.
You easily lend bread to the one who has flour.
He who sows virtue reaps fame.
The beaten pay the fine.
He's a fool that's fond.
A churl never liked a gentleman.
A civil question deserves a civil answer.
A clown enriched knows neither relation nor friend.
A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can.
A courtier should be without feeling and without honour.
A covetous woman deserves a swindling gallant.
A cow does not know what her tail is worth until she has lost it.
A cow from afar gives plenty of milk.
A coward often deals a mortal blow to the brave.
A coward's fear may make a coward valiant.
A crooked log makes a good fire.
A crow is no whiter for being washed.
A day is lost if one has not laughed.
A dead man has neither relations nor friends.