A bad reaper never gets a good sickle.
A day's work-getting started.
A dimple on the chin, the devil within.
A friend by thee is better than a brother far off.
A gossip's mouth is the devil's postbag.
A king's son is no nobler than his company.
A man is known by the eye, and the face discovers wisdom.
A wild goose never laid a tame egg.
Assurance is two-thirds of success.
Avoid the evil, and it will avoid thee.
Choose your company before you choose your drink.
Common sense hides shame.
Do not judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.
Do not light a fire that you cannot yourself put out.
Do not look to the peaceful man for cudgels.
Peace is the well from which the stream of joy runs.
Neither seek nor shun the fight.
More than we use is more than we want.
Keep a thing seven years and you'll find a use for it.
It is easy to straighten in the oak the crook that grew in the sapling.
If it is worth taking, it is worth asking for.
He who would enjoy the fruit must not spoil the blossoms.
He that will not look forward must look behind.
He that promises most will perform least.
Evil thoughts often come from idleness.
Even god cannot make two mountains without a valley in between.