You only get one world premiere of your directorial debut.
Women have a greater verbal capacity.
There is so much talent out there and not quite as much opportunity.
There are few films where you have women really driving the plot.
The brutality that can take place in a crime film heightens the tenderness that can also be there.
My M.F.A was in directing, and all the films I've made, for film school and after, I've written, directed and shot.
My brothers were the ones who taught me about mythology and storytelling, and showed me how to do stop-motion animation.
It's always healthy to be taken down a notch, even though it's humbling.
If you do the math, films featuring women are a good investment.
If humanity is being swallowed by a modern primitivism, imagination might be the thing that saves us all.
I'm interested in how innocence fares when it collides with hard reality.
I think there are many more stories still to be told about women.
I think if you get your fifth script made, that's the fast track. But there's no guarantee any of them will get made.
I love so many different genres. I love crime films - and unusual coming-of-age pieces.
I don't think there's enough breadth to the stories told about African-Americans.