I frequently hear our present period described as uncertain, confused, chaotic.
I am optimistic about the future of music.
Perhaps of all the most basic elements of music, rhythm most directly affects our central nervous system.
The development of new instrumental and vocal idioms has been one of the remarkable phenomena of recent music.
The advent of electronically synthesized sound after World War II has unquestionably had enormous influence on music in general.
The retrospective glance is a relatively easy gesture for us to make.
Most of my influences are turn-of-the-century.
As interesting as that music can occasionally be, I don't think it really replaces the other.
This is not a happy time for this kind of music in this country.
I think we're in a very low point of music right now.
It is easy to write unthinking music.
Writing seems to be more difficult as you move through the years.
The future will be the child of the past and the present, even if a rebellious child.