The minute that you go to arbitration, it's 100% confidential, so nobody ever hears about it.
Trust is the most important aspect of being a journalist. If people don't trust or find you relatable - you will not have success.
I always wanted to have a really successful career, but I always wanted to be a mom, too.
Men need to hire more women and put them in higher positions of power within organizations.
We need a woman in the White House right now. I really think that women want to work together.
During the time I was Miss America, I had come to New York City because I had decided I wanted to try to get into television.
One of my proudest moments in life was earning the valedictorian medal in high school. I worked so hard for it!
A lot of people who have come up to me at restaurants - men - and have said, 'I want to shake your hand, because I have daughters'.
I am saddened by the prevalence of powerful men disrespecting and objectifying women - and getting away with it for years.
During the time I was Miss America, I had come to New York City because I had decided I wanted to try to get into television.
I grew up thinking that I could be anything I wanted to be in this world because my mom told me that every single night.
I wanted to see how much of an insult it was to be called an ignoramus. I didn't know what it meant; I just Googled it.
For all of you out there who don't know what 'ignoramus' is, it's an ignorant lawyer.
Arbitration clauses have become prevalent in most corporate agreements or contracts for employees.
Men need to hire more women and put them in higher positions of power within organizations.
I've been truly blessed to have so many supporters and, of course, blessed to have my family and all my friends.
One of the most important things to do is to raise our kids in a respectful way with both genders.