What I remember myself from films, and what I love about films, is specific scenes and characters.
Cinema sustains life. It captures death in its progress.
What makes Gucci Mane Gucci Mane is like what made Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra - it's just him. He's trap's Frank Sinatra.
I've started lots of books, but it's hard for me to finish them.
I tried college and I hated that. I seem to quit everything I do.
I'm not a video brat. I don't derive all my inspiration through movies. I get it from a lot of other places, too.
I had a guidance counsellor who made me take an aptitude test, and told me I should be a bricklayer.
I never feel like there's any one point to the film, to anything, to any of the movies I've made.
Skateboarding was everything to us growing up. It changes the way you see the world you spend all day looking for ditches.
I was free when I was 12 because I got my first skateboard. I've been free ever since.
Sometimes, when you watch people play a video game, they seem lost in this wormhole, or in a trance.
I never liked socially conscious rap. I like rap that's physical, that's about a beat and bass and repetition.
I always try to make films in such a way that it's hard to imagine how they came to be, or where they came from.
I've always - honestly - never thought of myself as an independent director.
I do have friends who make movies, but for the most part, I never really wanted to feel like I was part of an industry.
I've just always liked watching people dance. I can't explain it. It used to just make me laugh.
I don't make movies for the same reason that a lot of people do. I make films because I need to see them exist in a very specific way.