'Get up and hit a home run,' has never been a part of the usable technique of any manager.
A liberal is a man who leaves a room when the fight begins.
A liberal is a man who leaves the room when the fight begins.
A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel.
Brotherhood is not just a bible word. Out of comradeship can come and will come the happy life for all.
Even the revolutionary writer will err if he fails to grasp the enormous effectiveness of occasional understatement.
Everybody favours free speech in the slack moments when no axes are being ground.
Hell is paved with great granite blocks hewn from the hearts of those who said, I can do no other.
I do know that whenever a player hits the ball out of the park, I have a sense of elation. I feel as if I had done it.
I doubt whether the world holds for any one a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice-cream.
I have always held to the theory that too much chalk may be just as bad for a novel as for a knee joint.
Men build bridges and throw ra ilroads across deserts, and yet they contend successfully that the job of sewing on a button is beyond them. Accordingly, they don't have to sew buttons.
Nobody talks so constantly about god as those who insist that there is no god.
People who come up through life or literature the hard way must inevitably carry their scars with them into composition.
Posterity is as likely to be wrong as anybody else.
The ability to make love frivolously is the chief characteristic which distinguishes human beings from beasts.