My games are rather stressful games, where you have to play for a long time.
I have always had a fascination about what's inside a human being.
One of my first dreams when I was a child was becoming a painter.
I don't really want to be a celebrity.
My goal is to make a player think, 'I want to reenter this world of lies tomorrow.'
Personally, I'm not too fond of remakes.
What I'm really trying to do is create unique characters.
Even when people abroad see me, I'm often asked about a 'Zone of the Enders' sequel.
I always say, 'This will be my last 'Metal Gear.'
My biggest failure is 'Metal Gear.' It's my biggest failure and my biggest success.
As a creator, I always want to betray fans' expectations.
Hollywood continues to present the U.S. Army as being the good guys, always defeating the aliens or foreigners.
Stories in which the player doesn't inhabit the main character are difficult for games to handle.
People nowadays don't know about the Cold War and the U.S.'s old rivalry with the U.S.S.R.
As a game creator, I'm not 100% satisfied when looking back at the previous game that I released.
My parents were huge fans of westerns, European cinema, and horror in particular. They wouldn't just show me kids' films.
When I was small, I was always thinking about different worlds in my head.
Normally, when people compose for film, you give them the film, and they look at it, and they compose it.
There are so many books and movies I like; I never mention specific ones.