The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
Your own wealth is flowers and wine; the other man's is but weeds.
You should not call in a cat to settle the argument of two birds.
You must answer the devil in his own language.
You may never die before death arrives.
You may lock up the cock, but the sun will still rise.
You have to believe in gods to see them.
You cannot separate water by beating it with a fork.
Worldly prosperity is like writing on water.
Without men in the neighborhood all the women are chaste.
Without love everything is in vain.
Why save when your son is a good son? Why save when your son is a bad son?
Who is blind? He who can see no other world. Who is dumb? He who can say nothing pleasant about his lot. Who is poor? He who is troubled with too many desires. Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot.
Where there is a glut of words, there is a dearth of intelligence.
Where the sun shines, there is also shade.
A foolish bride gets no presents.
A foolish ruler, a weak child, and a person mad after riches, desire that which can not be procured.
A friend advises in his interest, not yours.
A good bark year makes a good wheat year.
A good well-lived today makes every yesterday a dream of a good future, and every morning is a vision of hope.
A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
A guilty conscience is a lively enemy.
A harvest of peace grows from seeds of contentment.
A house without a child is like a tomb.
A house without a woman is the devil's own lodging.
A house without children is a graveyard.
A hundred divine epochs would not suffice to describe all the marvels of the himalaya.
A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
A lawyer's fee and a harlot's wages are paid in advance.
A lie has no author, nor a liar a conscience.