I think Fast Company has a tremendously smart focus and execution.
You can't be distracted by the noise of misinformation.
The story of the Internet is this incredibly strong, exciting change.
There was never any danger of Business 2.0 ever going under.
You can't suppress creativity, you can't suppress innovation.
Rock stars are incredibly energizing to me.
You know, technology CEOs like to think of themselves as rock 'n roll stars.
I think what we should have done is integrate the web site with the magazine much earlier in the process.
You have to remember a lot of business is very cyclical.
The collective energy of everyone is what really made Business 2.0 exciting.
Business 2.0 was hugely profitable last year, and will be profitable this year.
See, what we were going to do was say, the Internet is this great business strategy tool.
The best rock musicians are the most exciting people in the world.
And I love writing. I've always loved writing.
It's very rare that publications double their frequency.
Business people have been made into these rock stars because they've made a lot of money.