We've got people, our friends and neighbors, who are losing their jobs, factories being closed. We have to get America moving again.
The people in Dominica and the small communities where I were had no idea who I was, and there's no better security than that.
I've made a commitment that state spending in Vermont won't grow any more than the rate of inflation plus population growth.
I think the governors would all agree that what we don't want from the federal government is unfunded mandates.
I like to think of thoughts as living blossoms borne by the human tree.
I always felt that a governor surrenders a certain amount of privacy. And I came to accept that.
Generally the man with a good wife, or the woman with a good husband, or the children with good parents discover too late the goodness they overlooked while it was in full bloom.
France is a pretty stable democracy, but incidents occur. And I was pleased to have police accompaniment.
Care shouldn't start in the emergency room.