There are a lot of things about Russian culture, art, music, photography and literature that I'm love with.
It's a beautiful thing how happy you can be with a few friends, some beaten up guitars, a fire, and a couple of fields.
One of the things I discovered about myself is I'm just really positive.
Sometimes not playing music for a day is much more beneficial than playing every day for ten hours.
I've got no problem being on my own. I like the way my imagination works.
Generally, my life is absolute chaos, but when I'm writing songs, it's very thought out and regimented.
Never wear a hat and sunglasses at the same time, because it looks like you're wearing a disguise.
It feels like being in a band is a luxury now like you can only do it if you're signed really early or you come from a wealthy family.
I get excited by being in the studio and could never get burnt out in there.
I try not to be too realistic. It's better to be over-positive.
I love all board games, actually, apart from backgammon. I can never remember the rules.
I'm a guitar player. I've carved out my own style of guitar music, so I don't look for inspiration with playing guitar.
I've started to fall for New Orleans recently. There's real life there, if you know what I mean.
The best part of touring has to be playing shows.
I was vegan for about 20 years.
I start the day off with a pot of coffee, and I read all the newspapers online, then I delve around for new music.