A bath refreshes the body, tea refreshes the mind.
A beautiful woman is like an axe in one's life.
A bee stinging a crying face.
A boat that is not tied up will drift along with the stream.
A borrowed cat catches no mice.
A boy living near a Buddhist temple can learn an untaught sutra by heart.
A candle flares up just before extinguishing.
A cane before falling.
A carp on a cutting board.
A centipede, though dead, will not fall.
A clever hawk hides its claws.
A country can be conquered from the back of a horse but may not be ruled in the same manner.
A crow imitating a cormorant drowns in the water.
A dead cherry tree will not blossom.
A defeated army's general should not talk about tactics.
Grief itches but scratching it makes it worse.
A fire from a kimono sleeve.
Shun the doctor to protect one's disease.
We learn little from victory, but a great deal from defeat.
When a girl in the teahouse smiles at you, look the other way.
Marriage is a curious thing.
Your years will still remain the same whether you laugh or cry.
It is a blessing in disguise.
Raindrops will wear through a stone.
Wanting to see is a weakness.
After victory, tighten your helmet chord.
Once conquered - always a traitor.
The sparrow flying behind the hawk thinks the hawk is fleeing.
Invalids live the longest.