This is totally unacceptable and absurd.
It is an incredibly difficult job to be speaker of the house.
The obama hypocrisy on this issue is revealing.
I see no data to support the notion that gen. Flynn complied with the law.
After more than 1,500 nights away from my home, it is time. I may run again for public office, but not in 2018.
This is a major wake up call, worst i've seen to date.
Immunity deals should not be a requirement for cooperating with the fbi.
We have questions about this.
He should be here. … It is not optional, his attendance is required here.
We decide what's relevant - not the department of justice, not the fbi, we are entitled to the full file.
But the deal that had been spun up and sold to the american public, I'm not sure it was as clear as it should have been.
Wow, you just don't get it. You just don't get it, you still don't get it.
It' one of the most offensive and disconcerting things i've seen.
You still don't get screwed up. And you messed up people's lives.
You don't just give automatic promotion to the existing leadership team.
Obstruction of Congress in our work is a crime.
I have worked closely with my Democratic allies. Elijah Cummings is a good friend.
Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is there for a natural disaster or some other catastrophe.
It doesn't take a lot of seniority to vote the way you promised to vote.
Until the administration can articulate a coherent and convincing policy for closing Guantanamo, it should remain open.
Government is not being honest with taxpayers when it renews existing tax breaks and calls them new tax cuts.
High tax rates distort economic decision making, and our corporate income tax rate is one of the highest in the world.
I 'm offering jason chaffetz as an alternative.
That does n't signal change.
This has absolutely nothing to do with providing health care to young women who need a breast exam.