People who read my books have an open mind when it comes to new, bizarre, interesting and exciting ideas.
I just write books, and I do it without any notion of what I should do or shouldn't do.
I work very much on the principle that anything created by mankind has mischief and error hardwired into its inception.
It took me ten years and seven books to bag an agent - it took me that long to start writing good.
Agents and publishers only want one thing - good writing.
Speak to any editor and ask them what they turned down, and they'll have long lists of books.
I have a very varied taste in music. Everything from rap to classical to Latino to Rat Pack to jazz.
I'm not of the opinion that the next logical step for a book is for it to be made into a film.
Perhaps fantasy offers imaginative escapism more than other genres.
Class clowns become actors.
The fun one can have writing books about books is limitless, to be honest.
If you give children the freedom to do very little, quite a lot will do very little.
When you're an author, you're always two people. Jasper the writer is different from Jasper the person at home.
I hope that in my books there's an undertone of politics, basic tenets of how we should live.
There is a contract between the reader and the writer. The readers give me their hard-earned cash, and I have to entertain them.