Dodd-Frank represents the greatest regulatory burden on our economy, more so than all the other Obama-era regulations combined.
I do not want America to default on its debt.
I want to protect consumers from their government.
I'm one of the top 2 or 3 or 4 most conservative members in the House of Representatives when it comes to economics.
Even though I'm a chairman, I don't always get my way.
I'm always ready to negotiate in good faith with others.
The deficit is the symptom, but spending is the disease.
Frankly, I do like the idea that we centralize consumer protection for financial products into one agency.
Nothing says 'economic growth' like fundamental tax reform.
Listen, if the people in my district wanted to live in France, they'd move to France.
I'm not pro-business. I'm pro-free enterprise.
In every jurisdictional area that I can get my fingers on, I want to move us away from the Washington insider economy.
Nobody wants to shut down the government.
In many respects, I guess I would say I was into Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.
The fate of your paycheck, the fate of your small business should not rest on what side of the bed a Washington bureaucrat wakes up on.