The films I enjoy seeing are those that reveal lives I was unaware of... In different cultures or whatever.
I think we all have a selfish gene which rises to the top, sometimes. But then we're also all capable of a sudden magnanimity.
In Hollywood films everything is tidied up at the end with clean lines and clean character definitions. It's sort of unsatisfying.
It's fatal to talk about acting. It sounds faintly ridiculous if you start analysing it.
If you're playing any real person, live or dead, you certainly have a responsibility to produce that reputation in some way.
The world would be a duller place without Moulin Rouge.
I see myself as a small 'l' liberal, but not coalition liberal, necessarily.
I haven't got a writer's discipline.
In fact I'd like to go back and live in Shakespeare's London.
I never was a great Thatcher fan, and it wasn't a sad day in my life when she resigned.
You can't be angsty all day or else it becomes a sort of pale angst.
People smile at me as if they know me. I just smile back. They probably might know me.
I'm not that comfortable with actors receiving honours, partly because I think they ought to go to those who really help others.
I love a really good storyline.
Other people have a much better idea of what I might do than I.
We get older and more sophisticated and a bit cleverer, but certainly boys - and men - are as childish and basic as we ever were.
An Oscar clears the deck of envy and resentment. You think, 'Well, I've got that. I can relax now.'
Fluency in even one other language would be fantastic.