As a younger brother, you look up to your sister.
For me, the marriage of publishing and politics simply weaves together the two family businesses.
I don't really go out a lot.
I have a pretty normal life, surprisingly.
I have a slight contrarian impulse I can't seem to shake.
I think everyone needs to feel they've created something that was their own, on their own terms.
I would wear one of those plastic pocket protectors, but they make you look like a Republican.
I'm clearly not a major legal genius.
I'm not a big planner. Things always sort of surprise me.
I've done everything from research to stuffing envelopes.
If you're trying to talk about public issues and politics and showcase it in a positive, different way, I think people like the idea.
It would be disingenuous to say I don't have some sensitivity to the seamy side of issues.
Listen, in the same way that politics and government allow people to engage in large issues, media does the same.
My family is used to all manner of controversy.
My mother kept every single thing that she ever got in her life.
There are nuts in this country.