Dad didn't wear the guns unless a report card came in that he didn't particularly dig.
I want to be the poster boy to get your damn blood pressure checked.
One of the things about acting is you can always use your life. You have to recall how you are and how people are and how you relate.
I was the class clown, but I was also student body president in high school.
Neil Simon didn't like it too much when we came out in clown makeup. We stopped doing that.
Me a TV star? I've got to be the luckiest guy in the world.
Basically, I try to look at everything I do as a stretch.
I would get scripts about 'a young swinging bachelor on the make,' and I said, 'No, I've done that.'
I met Harry Thomason when I signed on with 20th Century Fox in 1985.
My father would make record after record, and he'd be so surprised at what would sell and what wouldn't.
I never feel frustrated. I really feel fulfilled and very lucky.
I think you should experience life before you can recreate it.
Basically, what I'm doing is what I want to do. I feel very lucky. And very satisfied.
I had my serious side - I idolized Bobby Kennedy; he was my role model. But so was Jerry Lewis.
I don't have a temper. There's no fist through the walls.