If we become increasingly humble about how little we know, we may be more eager to search.
It's self-centered to think that human beings, as limited as we are, can describe divinity.
Three of my children are medical doctors, they know at least a hundred times as much about your body as my grandfather knew, but they don't know much more about soul than he did.
The idea that an individual can find God is terribly self-centered. It is like a wave thinking it can find the sea.
I focus on spiritual wealth now, and I'm busier, more enthusiastic, and more joyful than I have ever been.
The question is not is there a God, but is there anything else except God? God is everyone and each of us is a little bit.
I'm really convinced that our descendants a century or two from now will look back at us with the same pity that we have toward the people in the field of science two centuries ago.