We try to talk when the microphones are on the same way we would when the microphones are off.
I am a deeply awkward person; I am not cool.
'1600 Penn' was a hit. It's 2018. Anything you want can be true.
'The West Wing' was an incredible, inspiring show - and one of the reasons I wanted to be a speechwriter.
'Pod Save America' will be a kingmaker.
I worked on one speech about the financial system that caused the Dow to drop, like, 200 points.
We've been dealing with censorship around multimedia, about multinational companies and the content they create, for a very long time.
I'm motivated by a bottomless well of anger. It's a joke, but I don't think I don't mean it.
Kellyanne Conway is one of the most dishonest humans ever to grace the office she holds.
If there is one way that I would sum up what the 2016 election was on cable news, it was world-class journalists interviewing morons.
I would like to be able to write in my own voice.
We are drowning in information.
I could have continued being a speechwriter for as long as I wanted.
Making '1600 Penn' was really fun, and I learned a lot.
Life tests our willingness, in ways large and small, to tell the truth.
One of the lessons of 2016 is to spend less time worrying about what will happen and more time worrying about what we want to happen.
Barack Obama took office in the middle of a massive financial crisis. He was handed a bunch of messes all around the world and at home.
It doesn't matter what the early votes look like. It doesn't matter what the polls look like. We can lose everything.
Humor is a way of saying we're all seeing the same ridiculous, absurd, infuriating things together.
I had never really planned on being a speechwriter.
It's certainly true that presidents have confidantes who rise above what you would call just staff.
The one thing I didn't want to do was a show about the White House. I was too close to it.
It's always been a dream of mine to write comedy and be creative.
I spent three years working at the White House and wanted to do something that wasn't about passing bills and resolutions.
I don't live in the city of L.A. I live in West Hollywood.
I will never apologize for selective editing to make myself look better.
We have a lot of really boring, silly, stupid politics. We need people to point that out.