I don't make my bed. At the end of a day of going to construction sites, the last thing I want to do is move 10 pillows off the bed.
There are probably less than 100 actors who make more than we do across our empire.
I don't trust people who don't like dogs.
I'm very blessed in a lot of ways. I can buy what I want, and I can go anywhere in the world.
Failure is part of success, and nobody should ever view failure as a bad thing as long as you learn from it.
Drew pretty much eats all gluten free. I go for flavor over cardboard.
I want to ride a unicorn.
I'm not a gambler or a nightclub guy.
I just felt like women love musicians, so I thought that we should become musicians. It'll help my dating life.
Justin Timberlake is one of our style icons - he does both formal and casual perfectly.
It's okay to learn from your mistakes, and it's okay to be human.
I've only ever seen a couple tiny home spaces that are actually a clever use of space.
At the end of the day, coming home to that one person that you know has your back, there's no better feeling.
I'm a magician. A lot of people don't know that I've won awards. I used to do big stage shows.
Sometimes you're running toward your target so hard that you don't stop to reassess.
I am a Christmas nerd. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
I can't even describe the feeling - it was like a dream to see all these people we know together in one place.
The big message I give to all of our clients, and anyone we lecture to, is you have to be smart with your money.
A good laundry room with storage can make life easier.
Sometimes life takes you on unexpected paths, and those paths aren't always in the same direction.
Buyers look at everything. They open every drawer. They open every cabinet door. So make sure your underwear is folded nicely.
As comfortable as I am being single, nothing beats sharing your happiness with someone you love.
Drew's a total wimp.
I'll admit that I enjoyed my 20s more than my teens, my 30s more than my 20s.
Open concept bathrooms are not the greatest.
We're the house that's playing Christmas music by November 1.
Drew was a director, and I'm a magician.
I just want to be around people who bring energy, and when you walk away, you feel good about yourself and good about them.