When you have to make a choice between capacity and capability, I would go with capability.
We used the term stalemate a year ago and, relatively speaking, it has not changed much.
We used the normal deconfliction channel to deconflict airspace, we did not coordinate targets.
We have not contained isil currently.
We have a strong tradition in our country of senior leaders being apolitical, nonpartisan.
We are technically not at war ... Yet declared war.
There's no substitute for taking a clear-eyed look at the threats we'll face and asking how our force will adapt to meet those threats.
The pace of change and the speed of war has greatly accelerated.
The only one I can be sure will say something nice about me is my mother.
The one thing I'm going to steer clear of is talking about timelines, you can't set the bar and consider time a success.
My sense is that General Kayani recognises that a stable and secure Afghanistan is in the best interests of Pakistan.
It's something I take very seriously as a commander the lives of our young men and women.
It's a question of time or american lives.
In my judgment, us assisting the Chinese military in advancing technologically is not in U.S. National interests.
In a major conflict, those shortfalls will result in delayed response and/or the unnecessary loss of young american lives.