Those who are most pious and noble tend to be the least tolerant.
As parenting goes, knowing the whereabouts of one's children is pretty fundamental.
Cancer is a cruel killer. It creeps up on us when we aren't expecting it. But cake is not cancer. A doughnut does not creep up on you.
You need to think about how you will pay for children before you have them.
A state school class can only learn as fast as its thickest child. Your kid misses stuff, mine has to wait while yours catches up.
Corbyn has reignited Labour.
Fresh air and exercise. That's all you need to stay slim and feel better about life.
I will call out the lazy, the idle, and the ignorant. I will support the hard working, the industrious, and the law.
'Big Brother' reminded me that housemates should be aware of health and safety.
Brits have a peculiar sense of humour. I love it.
I love being on Aussie breakfast TV. They like people who speak their mind and tell it like it is.
I want my girls to grow up learning that it is important their mum worked like a man.
Investing in children's education is vital.
Politicians used to be leaders. Now they follow voters, desperate for a tick in a box.
Sunshine is supposed to make you happy.
I've always said when age or infirmity gets the better of me, I'm off to whichever civilised country lets the elderly die with dignity.
I am a big believer in fun for free.
While Corbyn would not enjoy the comparison, he and Farage are the same beast - with very different heads.
If you do a good deed, don't expect anything back - the other person can still be a complete git.
The BBC has a strict policy of having Clare Balding present everything.
I have strong opinions, and I am not afraid to share them.
Scratch below the surface, and you will find I am a patriotic little thing, desperately proud to be part of this island nation.
Michelle Visage rocks.
If anyone is on my husband's arm, it's going to be me.
Should people working in our country speak English? Yes, they should.
My mother says ladies perspire and men sweat. Clearly, I am more of a man.
Own your problems.