We have freedoms and boundaries; we just have a great family life.
I support anything to do with the welfare and rights of children in a huge way.
I think by being happy it actually affects the way that you look too.
We moved to Australia for two years though and that was a little bit tough trying to fit in.
I grew up in Hawaii and I think it was easier because we did not have cliques at high school.
You want to spend time with your children even though you are tired so you do all those things.
Our friends have nothing to do with the business. Some of our closest friends in Florida are not stars.
I don't get to go to the super fancy stores unless I am in L.A. So you stay pretty real and normal that way.
My big places to shop are Wal-Mart and Target - seriously. That is where half of my stuff comes from now.
Keeping it all normal and keeping us together is my first priority. Then I fit films into my life.
So I delegate a lot and I make my family come first, my husband and our kids.
The easiest gift to give my husband is anything to do with airlines and flying.
I was a gymnast for years.
I like to spend my time with my children.
The premieres are, kind of exciting, especially to Ella, who loves limousines.
I love being a scientologist, as it's helped me in every single aspect of my life.