I loved that television show Mad Men because it really was a reminder of what reality was back then.
After my father died, we went to church for a long time every day, and then every other day during the summer.
I thought of running for office when I was in law school, but I wanted to work on human rights.
I married a politician. But I thought it would be tough for my children to have two parents as politicians.
We've got to pass legislation which will allow people to have access to competent counsel no matter who they are.
Elective office is one of many ways to serve the community and the country. It's one that I would consider at some point.
I have 10 brothers and sisters. My mother raised us because my father died when I was 8.
My husband is in politics and my kids are already a campaign organ for him and I really love being their mother.
Everyone who has had success in his or her field of endeavor has had a mentor along the way.
You can't live in the past and say, 'if only.' You have to pick up and move along and make the world better.
I love presidential campaigns. It is a time when people are feeling what is going on in the heart of our country.
I think there are many Democrats who are good, strong leaders. The person I like the most is my nephew, Congressman Joe Kennedy.
When people ask me what's really important about my father, I think the most important thing about him was his moral imagination.
I appreciate that Marco Rubio has called for immigration reform but he goes back and forth on it a little bit.
There was no sense of burden, like, 'I now must carry on Robert Kennedy's unfinished work.' Absolutely not.
Look, my mother's not a welfare woman. She certainly had plenty of help. But there's no substitute for a husband and partner.