Instagram was created because there was no single place dedicated to giving your mobile photos a place to live and to be seen.
I believe photos is one of the underlying things in every social network that becomes successful.
I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It's a huge part of my life.
I think not focusing on money makes you sane because in the long run it can probably drive you crazy.
The major reason why Instagram works is that you can follow anyone out there and start following their photos immediately.
I've always been into taking my photos, cropping them square, putting them through a filter in Photoshop.
Great products sell themselves.
I don't think you should ever start a business and move in a direction where you can't see it becoming a business.
I care deeply about craft the quality of how something is made and the experience it enables.
Do what you love, and do it well - that's much more meaningful than any metric.
When you open up 'Instagram,' you need to know that you're seeing the real Tony Hawk, the real Taylor Swift, the real Burberry.
Really, we're just taking people and shifting them from taking photos anyway to taking them on 'Instagram'.
'Instagram' is definitely becoming a new entertainment source for people day after day.
People are hungry for what's happening right now in the world.
I'm a huge fan of what 'Hipstamatic' is doing and all they've accomplished.
'Instagram' is an app that only took 8 weeks to build and ship but was a product of over a year of work.
Videos are a very difficult medium to be good at and also a difficult medium to consume quickly.
I like to say that the one thing that all people who succeed in changing the world have in common is that they at least tried.
If you focus on producing a great experience for anyone, that's how you get big.
Good companies are always fundraising. Whether you're meeting people or considering firms, you're always fundraising.
It turns out that no undergrad class prepares you to start a startup - you learn most of it as you do it.
Someone once described entrepreneurship to me as a series of happy accidents.