I am your fairy tale. Your dream. Your wishes and desires, and I am your thirst and your hunger and your food and your drink.
One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real.
But words - words are not enough!
Fun? There is no fun.
I am dying of hunger.
I am not the Jesus of the official church tolerated by those in power. I am not your superstar.
I could be with a woman in a bed, for weeks even, and it would seem to me like three seconds. Or 300 years.
I didn't choose solitude.
I don't need anybody to tell me how to be alive.
I make movies for money, exclusively for money.
I sell myself for the highest price. Exactly like a prostitute. There is no difference.
In a way, everything concerning a movie leaves me cold.
It is the Nobel Prize I want. It's worth $400,000.
Once, I took a taxi. I hate those limousines. They stink and their drivers have been driving dead people to the cemeteries.
People who do not see the terrible things therefore do not see the beautiful things, either.
You have to protect yourself, your body, your being. You cannot treat it badly; you have to keep it, make as sensitive as possible.
Why have I had this life? If I knew, I wouldn't have done it.
You don't need a framework. You need a painting, not a frame.
Where a beast would have claws, I was born with talent.