To see how much goes into making a fashion business is quite exciting.
I would love to work in content and digital media.
You don't have to have a specific style. It can enhance how you want to feel on a specific day.
In Edinburgh, they've got the most insane charity shops ever.
Don't dress for anyone else, dress so that you can stare at your own reflection in shop windows walking down the street.
I love charity shops.
I would love to live in Dorset or Devon and swim in the sea every day come rain or shine.
There is just so much beauty in Cambridge. It's wonderful.
London fashion is epic.
Always compliment someone if you can, I think.
I'm so easily inspired - if I like someone in the street's clothing, I always say 'You look amazing.'
Instagram is wonderful in so many ways, but it's also something that should be used with respect - for yourself and for other people.
I think too much.
It's so important to read a book before bed and do some weird stretching.
I love a big, fat duvet.